As a business owner in Texas, you must understand how some federal laws affect you and your employees. One of the most popular laws on the books is the Family Medical Leave Act or FMLA.

The attorneys and staff at Leslie Wm. Adams & Associates have what it takes to keep you in the loop on the impacts something like FMLA has on your workforce. With a little bit of knowledge, you may save yourself some grief with trying to understand how this complex law works for or against you.

FMLA and its function in the workplace 

In the 1990s, the government signed FMLA into effect. The purpose of the Act is to protect employees against unlawful termination in the wake of a personal or family crisis. If an employee needs to take time away from work for medical reasons or to care for an immediate family member, the FMLA bars the company from firing the employee for the absence. Under the FMLA, qualified individuals can take up to 12 weeks within a calendar year.

Meeting the requirements

Right away, you should know if your business must abide by the terms in the FMLA. A company with 50 employees for 20 weeks in a year has to stick to the guidelines set forth by the Act. Likewise, as not all businesses qualify, neither do all employees. For FMLA to apply to a family medical situation, the employee must work at least 1,250 hours during the year before the FMLA application date. A doctor must certify that the absence will benefit the employee or the qualified family member.

Abiding by regulations for businesses is essential in ensuring you avoid possible lawsuits. Get more insight into the topic by visiting our website.